Lift Planning Services in Newcastle and Port Macquarie: The Significance of Route Surveys in Lift Planning

May 31, 2023

Route surveys are significant in lift planning as they provide vital information contractors can use to make lifting equipment operations efficient and safe.

Crane operations are vital to the construction industry since they help lift and move heavy materials around project sites. But since they deal with and manage heavy loads, crane operations should be done properly. One way to do this is through lift planning.

Lift planning is the process of identifying and evaluating all factors involved in a lifting operation. The purpose of lift planning is to make sure that the lifting operation is done safely, efficiently, and in compliance with all related regulations and standards.

The Essence of Route Surveys

One part of lift planning that must be conducted before working with cranes is route surveys. Route surveys are essential in lift planning since they provide essential information that can secure the safety of the lifting operation. These surveys are detailed assessments of the path that the lifting equipment will follow during the lift. These assessments may include the location of the lift, the route to be taken, and any obstacles or hazards they may encounter.

Route surveys can only be successful if they consider the weight and size of the load, the location of the lift, and the layout of the project site. Once the surveys are done, lift planners will make informed decisions about the type of lifting equipment that must be used, the configuration of the lifting operation, and the necessary safety precautions.

Route Survey Main Objectives

Upon carrying out a route survey, contractors can identify any potential risks and hazards that may affect the output of the lifting operation. Some risks and hazards that the survey may encounter include overhead power lines, buildings, trees, and other structures. These hazardous elements can often interfere with the lifting equipment. 

Aside from identifying risks and hazards, another objective of a route survey is to identify the best route to take. It determines the best way to transport the lifting equipment to the site and the position from which the lift will be carried out. The path the lifting equipment will take can also be pinpointed by the survey.

Key Benefits of Route Surveys

Tons of benefits can be expected once route surveys are conducted.

One of the benefits of a route survey is it can identify any obstacles or hazards that may impact the lifting operation. For instance, if overhead power lines exist in the area, the route survey will determine their exact location and height. The lift plan will then use this information to ensure that the lifting equipment does not come into contact with them. The same things will be done if buildings or other structures are in the area.

Route surveys are also essential for ensuring that the lifting operation can be completed efficiently. By identifying the best route to take, the lift planner can minimise the distance the lifting equipment needs to travel. 

Another vital benefit of route surveys is they ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards. Conducting a detailed route survey allows the lift planner to ensure that the lifting operation complies with all related regulations and standards, reducing the risk of penalties.

Route surveys play a vital role in lift planning by providing essential information about the path the lifting equipment will follow during the operation. If you need help with these surveys in Newcastle and Port Macquarie, you can contact us at Allied Crane Hire.

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